Shadows of Lyonesse

Shadows of Lyonesse

The Kingdom of Lyonesse, symbol of power and strength in the Western Kingdoms, ancient home of the mysterious druids and Temple Knights who serve in the light of Sunna. A beautiful land of rolling green hills and azure waters where people live in grace and harmony, wanting for nothing except to show kindness to their fellow countrymen.

Yet beneath the fabled trusses of this happy land of plenty, a dark malevolence lurks hidden and waiting in the shadows.

The beautiful dream is shattered when suddenly Lyonesse teeters on the brink of civil war, endangering the reign of the heirless royal family, and threatening the stability of the Western Kingdoms. A vile evil, born of the Infernal Planes and imprisoned for centuries, prepares to release its rage framed in violence and cruelty none have experienced since the early days of the Kingdom. It creeps behind the smiling visage of one trusted and powerful, corrupting everything that it touches, growing stronger, spreading its wicked depravity silently, unnoticed.

Will chaos and evil bring boundless ruin upon the realm? Will hopeless despair, a ravaged country, and tyranny prevail?

Enter Perault, a young man barely a Knight, who may unwittingly hold the key to the answers. A key that may open doors leading him to a fight for his very soul, the soul of a kingdom, the soul of a woman he loves more than life itself, and the destiny of a bloodline fated to change the course of history. Nothing is certain in this timeless battle.

Except death.


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